Local Churches
Here is a (non-comprehensive) list of churches in the Stanford area. If you are looking for a church, please join us for the Church Tour, or ask one of us. We'd love to talk about which church we go to and what it's like! For rides to church, contact the person listed for a specific church, or find a leader near you.
The Highway Community
Service Times: Sunday 9:30 Address: 50 Embarcadero Rd (Haymarket Theatre, Palo Alto High School) - Palo Alto Lead Pastor: Dean Smith On the Web: highway.org Contact: Desmond Lim (dhlim at stanford dot edu) |
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (ALCF)
Service Times: Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:30am, 11:00 Address: 2440 Leghorn St - Mountain View Senior Pastor: Wayne L. Jackson On the Web: alcf.net |
Peninsula Free Methodist
Service Times: Sunday 9:15 Address: 599 Jefferson Ave - Redwood City Senior Pastor: Pastor Leslie Yee On the Web: peninsulafmc.org |
The Vineyard
Service Times: Sunday 10:00 Address: 4000 Middlefield Rd (Cubberley Community Center) - Palo Alto Lead Pastor: Alex Van Riesen On the Web: vcfp.org Contact: Cameron Jeffers (cjeffers at stanford dot edu) |
Peninsula Bible Church (PBC)
Service Times: Sunday 9:00, 10:45 Address: 3505 Middlefield Rd - Palo Alto College Pastor: Paul Taylor On the Web: pbc.org For Rides: pbc.org/ekklesia/needaridetochurch |
Grace Community Covenant Church
Service Times: Sunday 10:30 Address: 701 East Meadow Dr - Palo Alto Teaching Pastor: Steve Wong On the Web: graceconnections.com |
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
Service Times: Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 College/Young Adults Service: Sunday 7:05pm Address: 950 Santa Cruz Ave - Menlo Park College Pastor: Lindsay James On the Web: mppc.org, sanc.info |